The Contracts Act 2010

The Contracts Act 2010: Understanding its Significance

The Contracts Act 2010 is a crucial piece of legislation in Malaysia that governs the formation, execution, and termination of contracts. It was enacted on 1 April 2010 and has since become a significant legal framework for businesses and individuals in the country.

The Act provides a clear and comprehensive set of rules for the drafting and signing of contracts, and covers everything from the essential elements of a contract to the remedies available to parties in case of a breach. Here are some key features of the Contracts Act 2010.

Formation of Contracts

Under the Act, a contract is formed when there is an offer, acceptance, and consideration. An offer is a proposal made by one party to another, while acceptance is the agreement by the other party to the terms of the offer. Consideration refers to the value exchanged between the parties.

The Act also recognizes the validity of electronic contracts, which are increasingly common in modern business transactions. It establishes rules for the formation of electronic contracts and provides guidelines for the use of electronic signatures.

Execution of Contracts

The Act sets out requirements for the proper execution of contracts, including the need for contracts to be in writing, where necessary. It also mandates that all parties to a contract must sign it, or authorize someone else to sign on their behalf.

Termination of Contracts

The Act provides mechanisms for the termination of contracts. These include termination by agreement between the parties, termination by unilateral termination, and termination for breach of contract. In cases of breach, the Act allows for specific remedies, including damages, restitution, and specific performance.


The Contracts Act 2010 is a practical and comprehensive legal framework for the formation, execution, and termination of contracts in Malaysia. Understanding the Act is essential for businesses and individuals to ensure that their contracts are legally valid and enforceable. With its explicit provisions and clear guidelines, the Act has been instrumental in facilitating commerce and business transactions in the country.

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